
I saw a social media post and I laughed and laughed. It made me think about a quote Jason Garner got from his wife (I think): “We are forever trying to teach the lessons we need to learn ourselves.” The post was trying to highlight the authenticity of a certain artist as the genuine article, a real McCoy type. In the same breath it was casting shade on the local musicians in the area as hacks and posers. If you could see the aesthetic or brand this individual puts out into the world you’d have to laugh at the irony. What could have been acknowledged is that any town in the world has roughly the same percentage of people that don’t do things for the love of the game but for attention.

Haiku Nook

Keep playing music

There is no ground to stand on

This allows for waves

What is emptiness?

A hungry stomach, the wind?

Natural-grade peace

What song is needed?

Touch the core of who you are

Stripped away, just heart

Hard without coffee

Marrow of the earth in cup


See impermanence

No ground to stand on, so breathe

Beauty of movement

Sounds interesting

Keep silent and listen ear

What is happening

A pen in hand

Drawing a line in the sand

Ocean waves erased

Forgot where I live

Fear struck me but then I saw

Flag stickers and shirts

Little Poem

Waiting at the corporate coffee chain

But really I can’t complain

Make a living going door to door

Food and coffee needs galore

Sometimes I wonder if they need me to say

The bag I carry should give it away

Poems while I wait

Hope the delivery isn’t late

I think they know

The boat I must row

More lines of epic prose

While I smell the coffee rose

Well oiled late stage capitalism is creepy

It’s why my eyes are so sleepy

Inside the machine once more

It’s not the worst chore

Longtime running and fixing kinks

They’ve never ran with sausage links